US nationwide Internet Radio Network Women Network now posted an interview with Yogmata Keiko Aikawa

On the US based internet radio station Women Network @w4wnradio, an program featuring an interview by Ms. Melanie Young, host of a very popular show “Fearless Fabulous You” with Yogmata Keiko Aikawa is now available in podcast permanently @ and free iHeart app at this link:

*This service is only available to the users within the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand.


Also, an special issue of US based Yoga and spirituality themed E-magazine “Light on Light” cerebrating 2018 World Yoga Day also featuring Yogmata Keiko Aikawa and Pilot Babaji is now available for your viewing on the web at the link below.


Full-screen reader view link:

Please check them out and see how our master’s love and wisdom are spreading steadily the world over!
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